Strong Women is an exercise program for middle-aged and older women. The program is based on years of research on how strength training and proper nutrition improve the health of women of all ages. This strength training program has been found to improve bone density, reduce falls, improve arthritis symptoms, and increase flexibility and strength. There is NO fee for the class. E-mail Dawn Doperalski, Health & Well-Being Educator, Division of Extension – Menominee County/Natio
Other ways to celebrate National 4-H Week:
Wear your 4-H shirt to school
Ask a newspaper reporter to attend a meeting or club special event
Take cookies or other treats to local businesses and supporters
Visit a nursing home
Set up a table at your school
Pass out invitations to your friends for the next club meeting or special event
Organize a presentation to 3rd and 4th graders at your school
Create a display at a store front or library to promote 4-H
Encourage your friends to attend a 4-H