We teach, learn, lead and serve, connecting people with the University of Wisconsin, and engaging with them in transforming lives and communities.
Click here to download: Official handbook for new members 2024
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Division of Extension, Menominee County/Nation is committed to continue providing resources and information to the community. Please read previous newsletters to get some good tips for every day life. Individual educator’s contact information can be found in the newsletter. Stay well! UWEXTNewsletter23APR2020 30APRCOVID19 ExtensionNews#3 ExtensionNews#4 Extension News #5 ExtensionNewsletter #6 […]
Strong Women is an exercise program that was developed for middle-aged and older women; however, it would benefit anyone. The program is based on years of research on how strength training and proper nutrition improve the health of women of all ages. This strength training program has been found to improve bone density, reduce falls, […]
Menominee County/Nation P.O. Box 279 Keshena, WI 54135 Welcome to the Menominee County/Nation University of Wisconsin Extension! The coterminous boundary of Menominee County/Reservation delineates 235,000 acres total, 233,000 of these acres in trust status. 217,000 acres are in commercially forested lands – the majority of which is under sustainable forestry management practices. It is home […]
Upcoming Events: Financial Coaching Available: Are you puzzled by your finances? Could you use a little help with learning to budget your money? Do you need to stretch your financial resources a little more? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider contacting the Menominee County/Nation UW-Extension office about […]